How to become a new customer
To become a customer of Lockhart Power, you must complete an Electric Service Application. Please bring your completed application to one of our locations at Lockhart Power, Pacolet Town Hall, Jonesville Town Hall, or Stacy’s Interior Design in Monarch. See the Billing & Payment page for the address of each of these sites. Please bring your driver’s license and social security card. You may also be asked to provide current sufficient documentation (i.e. rental lease, property tax documentation, credit card statement, etc.) for address verification.
Deposits are determined upon your credit check. Deposits are refundable to the account after the 24th month of perfect paying history. If you move prior to the deposit refunding and a balance remains, the deposit will refund to the account and any credit left will be mailed to the customer’s forwarding address. Deposits accrue interest on behalf of the customer.